CCHSG expects that all students should attend school every day that the school is open for students and be punctual each day. The majority of our students achieve at least 97% attendance. Students may only miss school if they themselves are ill.

Parents are required to notify the school by emailing by 8.45am on the first day of absence, giving the student’s name, form, specific reason for absence and expected duration of absence.

If the duration of absence is unknown, a further email should be made on each subsequent day of absence. Upon return to school, a note explaining the nature of the illness must be sent to the Form Tutor or via Parent Gateway.

n the case of urgent medical appointments, a student must bring their appointment card or a note from her parents. Before leaving the premises, students must report to Reception to be signed out. On returning, they should also report to Reception to be signed back in.

No student may leave the site for any other reason without the permission of a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Any absences from school, no matter how few, will hamper progress. The school monitors student absence and will follow up with parents/carers once absence falls below 95%. In the case of persistent absence i.e. attendance below 90%, the school will hold school attendance meetings and may request medical evidence regarding an ongoing medical condition if appropriate.

There is no legal entitlement for parents to take their children on holiday during term time; permission for family holidays during term time will not be authorised by the school. Holiday leave taken without formal permission is classified as unauthorised which could lead to a referral to the Missing Education and Child Employment Service and may incur a fine.